Why we launched Kids Camping Store (clue: we don't need a t-shirt)

There were a number of reasons that we, a group of family and friends, were motivated to launch Kids Camping Store.  

But essentially it was this: we had entered the world of camping with our daughter, and found it hard to find what we needed.  We didn't even know what we needed, never mind where to get it from!

We looked at the biggest camping stores, and generally we found clothes!  And if there's one thing my daughter has a lot of, it's clothes!  We certainly didn't need another t-shirt!

Here's the children's section from a major UK camping retailer......

And so we built our own solution: Kids Camping Store.

That's also what motivated us to build an "advice & tips" section, which started with a guide to what children should sleep in when camping; a page split by age (baby, toddler, kids aged 2+ and kids aged 4+), that gives parents advice drawn on the experience of hundreds of parents, about what kids should sleep in, on and under.

You can our guide to sleep by clicking here

Happy Camping!

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